
25 Weeks

  • How far along?  25 weeks
  • Total weight gain:  15 lb.
  • Maternity clothes?  Everyday. My regular t-shirts are starting to get too short now too :(
  • Stretch marks?  No new ones.
  • Sleep:  Horrible. I toss and turn all night and just can't get comfortable.
  • Best moment this week:  B saying she loves Tre.
  • Miss Anything?  Redbull, need one on the bad nights of sleep.
  • Movement: Mostly right before bed and right when I wake up.
  • Food cravings: Oreos!!
  • Gender:  BOY!!!! (blog post to come soon)
  • Labor Signs: None yet.
  • Symptoms:  Constant peeing
  • Belly Button in or out? Flattened
  • Wedding rings on or off? On.
  • Looking forward to:  Getting the glucose test over with. I take it on the 11th of Oct and have all my fingers and toes crossed that I pass. 
And as usual I haven't updated in WAY too long so here are some pictures for you (19w, 20w, 23w, 25w):


DIY Maternity Shirts

Has anyone else noticed how expensive maternity t-shirts are? It is crazy, $15.99 to 24.99 for a t-shirt. 

While browsing Pinterest I found a tutorial (www.sewlikemom.com/diy-maternity-clothes) and I thought hey that looks pretty easy. I thought about doing it but didn't ever make the plunge. I read somewhere about Target having coupons for Mossimo t-shirts, making them anywhere from $3-$5 each. 

When my mom asked if I would like to head to Joplin to do a little shopping it was the perfect excuse to load up on supplies and try it out. I got 3 shirts and some elastic. Let me just say it was a little difficult at first. The sewing machine and me had some words and the next couple shirts went by much easier. 

I have to say they turned out pretty darn good and for about $4 per shirt it was worth it. I like them so much I got more (I'm a t-shirt girl). My hubby is pretty excited that I was going all domestic and saving us a little money!! 


17 Weeks

Her rubbery cartlidge is now turning into bone.
And she is growing some meat on those bones -- putting on some fat.
She's growing a stronger, thicker umbilical cord, too.

  • How far along?  17 weeks
  • Total weight gain:  7 lb.
  • Maternity clothes?  I just got the maternity clothes back from my best friend and I have been wearing them occasionally but it is too hot to wear jeans right now. The rubber band trick is working for now though on my shorts and capris.
  • Stretch marks?  No new ones.
  • Sleep:  I have good nights and bad nights. Getting harder to sleep on my stomach but a body pillow is helping with that some.
  • Best moment this week:  Feeling little one move around.
  • Miss Anything?  Redbull, need one on the bad nights of sleep.
  • Movement: S/he is moving around in there. It is getting more consistent and stronger.
  • Food cravings: Chinese all the time!!
  • Gender:  Unknown, but I am feeling girl.
  • Labor Signs: None yet.
  • Symptoms:  Constant peeing
  • Belly Button in or out? In.
  • Wedding rings on or off? On.
  • Looking forward to:  Our appointment on the 1st. My best friend, Megan, is getting to tag along since she is in town. She didn't get to experience me being pregnant with B so it is really special that she will get to be a little more involved in this pregnancy.
Here are my 13w - 17w pictures.


Potty Training....will be the death of me!!

Holy cow.....Potty training is rough!!!!

We would really like for B to be out of diapers/pull ups by January but I don't know if that will happen. She loves to go potty when we are in public. She will tell us she has to go and actually go when we take her but at home is another story. I don't know why she won't do this at home. 

We let her pick out her big girl panties (Dora, Hello Kitty, and Princesses) and really talked them up. She loves them but doesn't care if she pees in them. We leave the bathroom light on and tell her if she needs to go she can just walk in there or ask mommy or daddy to take her. I ask her every 30ish min if she needs to go and she always says no, less than 5 min later she is telling me she peed in her panties. I offer treats/rewards when I can actually get her to go (me just taking her in there and setting her down) and that isn't even working. 

I am at a complete loss on how to do this. I know she will eventually want to be a big girl but it just baffles me that she isn't willing to go at home but will in public. Anyone have any tips or words of encouragement? I could really use them right about now!!!


12 Weeks

Most of her critical systems are fully formed!
She's about to enter the growth and maturation stage,
 in which her organs and tissues will grow and develop rapidly.
She's now developing her reflexes -- if you poke her body, she'll likely move.
She's opening and closing her fingers and curling her toes, too.
Her brain is developing fast!

  • How far along?  12 weeks
  • Total weight gain:  3 lb.
  • Maternity clothes?  Not yet but I wear a lot of comfy clothes.
  • Stretch marks?  No new ones.
  • Sleep:  Great. I have been so tired lately that when I lay down I am out almost immediately.
  • Best moment this week:  Going to Silver Dollar City with the family.
  • Miss Anything?  Nothing I can think of.
  • Movement: I think I may have felt him/her. It felt a lot like the first time with B but seems so early.
  • Food cravings: Nothing special, I just want to eat ALL THE TIME!!!
  • Gender:  Unknown, but I am feeling girl.
  • Labor Signs: None yet.
  • Symptoms:  Fatigue and constant peeing (I'm talking every 10 min, haha). 
  • Belly Button in or out? In.
  • Wedding rings on or off? On.
  • Looking forward to:  Our appointment on the 5th.

I haven't updated in a while because I have either been too tired or busy. I had started watching a little girl however she wasn't adjusting well so hopefully I can get back to blogging more regularly. 

This past weekend we were BUSY. We had a yard sale Friday and Saturday (made $125, woo-hoo) and Sunday we enjoyed a day at Silver Dollar City. It was great to walk around and enjoy all the yummy food but the heat was crazy. We were ready to go after a few hours. B really enjoyed all the kid rides (the 2 that she could ride). We took her on one where you shoot at targets and she kept saying "I OK, mommy", as she is trying not to cry. It was too cute. She really loved being able to run around and watch everyone around her. 


10 Weeks

  • Baby has working arm joints, and her cartilage and bones are forming.
  • Her vital organs are fully developed and they're starting to function.
  • Her fingernails and hair are starting to appear, too.
  • Plus, she's swallowing and kicking in there. (Can you believe it?!)
  • How far along?  10 weeks
  • Total weight gain:  2 lb.
  • Maternity clothes?  Not yet but I wear a lot of comfy clothes.
  • Stretch marks?  No new ones.
  • Sleep:  Waking up every time I roll over but not too bad.....yet.
  • Best moment this week:  Seeing baby blog!
  • Miss Anything?  Still needing a Redbull.
  • Movement: Not yet.
  • Food cravings: Chinese (still haven't gotten it) :(
  • Gender:  Unknown, but I am feeling girl.
  • Labor Signs: None yet.
  • Symptoms:  Fatigue, eating constantly, peeing all the time, and backaches. 
  • Belly Button in or out? In.
  • Wedding rings on or off? On.
  • Looking forward to:  Our next appointment, too bad it's 3.5 weeks away!


Baby Blob

A bit delayed in posting but we had our first appointment last week. It was the typical appointment, medical history, exam, questions, bloodwork and we got a surprise ultrasound.

I wasn't expecting an ultrasound but since I had an ectopic pregnancy previously he wanted to make sure everything was where it should be. Baby blob measured right on track, 9w3d and s/he's heart rate was 174.

B isn't really sure what to think of the pictures but has already told Papa it was a puppy and Grandma it was a Kitty. Haha

Will do a 10 week post later today!


9 Weeks

  • This is a milestone. She's no longer an embryo -- now she's a fetus!
  • She's developing more distinct facial features.
  • And she might now have a strong enough heartbeat to be picked up by a fetal doppler.


Yarn Wrapped Bottles

These things are all over Pinterest. I love them and have tried a few different times to make them but keeping having problems.

First try....started at the bottom and it worked good until I got to the neck of the bottle. Could clearly see the glue.

Second try....started at the top. this worked great until I got to the very bottom were the bottle starts to round back under. Took too much glue and it got all bumpy looking.

Third try....tried using a combination of hot glue and double sided tape. The top wasn't sturdy enough to hold the yarn.

I really wanna know how everyone is able to make their bottles look so good. Any suggestions?


8 Weeks

  • You can't feel it yet, but she's moving those arms and legs like crazy!
  • Her fingers and toes are now only slightly webbed, and her tail (yes, she had one) is gone.
  • Fun fact: your baby's taste buds are now forming.

  • How far along?  8 weeks
  • Total weight gain:  1 lb.
  • Maternity clothes?  Not yet but I wear a lot of comfy clothes.
  • Stretch marks?  No new ones.
  • Sleep:  Waking up every time I roll over but not too bad.....yet.
  • Best moment this week:  Satisfying all but 1 of my cravings. Still need Chinese.
  • Miss Anything?  I could really use a Redbull.
  • Movement: Not yet.
  • Food cravings: Where to start, Chinese, Olive Garden, pickles, cookie dough ice cream, Auntie Anne's pretzels, strawberry banana smoothie.
  • Gender:  Unknown, but I am feeling girl.
  • Labor Signs: None yet.
  • Symptoms:  Fatigue, eating constantly, peeing all the time, and backaches. 
  • Belly Button in or out? In.
  • Wedding rings on or off? On.
  • Looking forward to:  First doctor appointment next week!!


Fun Packed Weekend

This weekend was busy but fun. Friday night my mom kept B an I joined Shane at the skate park. It is always nice to watch Shane doing the thing he loves...hurting himself, just kidding. But really it seems he comes home with a new sore spot everytime he goes skating.

Saturday we started out going to Sam's with mom. B loves Sam's, it is like a playground for her. Funny story, mom needed strawberries so I picked them out and let B carry them to the cart. Well the poor thing dropped them and they scattered all over. She was so upset that he dropped her strawberries that she burst in to tears saying my strawberries. I was so sad but so cute (kinda wished I had snapped a picture).

We then headed 1.5 hours to my Aunt and Uncle's for a graduation party (Congrats again Kenzie!!). B loved running around and exploring. We had a bit of an accident, she fell down a few stairs before her cousin caught her but luckily they were carpeted and she has a hard head :). It was great seeing everyone and I can't believe how all the little ones are growing up. Hunter and Logan (cousins) are too cute together. Really wished we could see them all more.

Sunday we lounges around and napped. We eventually headed out to dinner with Shane's family. We ate at Mimi's Cafe and they had some great appetizers but the chicken pot pie was lacking something. B really seemed I enjoy after dinner when Uncle Bob took the kids outside to play. Hat girl loves the outdoors.

Overall we had a wonderful weekend and are hoping this week is just as great. But considering I had to make French toast twice because I messed up the first batch isn't helping my hopes any!


Medicaid....grateful for government assistance

I now have temporary Medicaid and have applied for full Medicaid. They have requested lots of paperwork so I am trying to get it all in order.

I have heard many peoples opinions on people taking advantage of government assistance. I was embarrassed to need assistance but I know that I have to do whatever I need to so this baby will have the care they need. Maternity insurance is so expensive (about $550 a month) that we haven't been able to afford it so we only have doctor and hospital insurance. I have been comparing rates but since this is a surprise baby we don't have many options.

I was a little upset about needing Medicaid because my doctor is in Arkansas and we live in Missouri. I love my doctor and really didn't want to give him up but I have to do what I have to do. I am really hoping that the new doctor I choose works out. Can't wait to have my first appointment so we can see how it will work out.



Well I am almost done with this semester! Only one essay and one final left.

This has been one of the longest semesters. Maybe be cause it is the first semester in a long time that I have had a full schedule (12 hours). This semester I had Foundations of Education, Music for Elementary Teachers, Art Appreciation, and US History.

I only have 15 credit hours left and unfortunately have to split them up between 2 semesters since I didn't enroll earlier. I should be able to graduate in May 2013. From there I will most likely go to MSSU and have a couple years left.

I can't wait to be done with all my schooling. After doing some observations this semester it really confirmed that I want to be a teacher, preferably 1st grade.

Are there any other teachers out there that have advice?


Baby #2

Woah....what....baby #2?!?!?!?!?! How did that happen?

Well you see I was on birth control but missed a week (oops, not enough time in the day for pharmacy runs) and that is how baby #2 is on the way. I would like to say I was shocked but I had all the signs, sore boobs, constantly hungry, and extremely tired. I took a test on my 24th birthday because my boobs were more sore than they had been. The line was so faint I had to text my 2 best friends to see if they could see it. I have now taken 8 tests (6 regular and 2 digital) and I am for sure pregnant.

We had discussed having another baby but hadn't decide on when because we wanted B to have more time as an only child. I am starting to get excited and I think my first actual doctor appointment will make everything real. Shane is still a little worried/nervous about the idea but I know once the little one is here he will be ecstatic.

I will try to do weekly updates after my 1st appointment (June 6th)  but can't guarantee it with a 2 year old and a 2 month old (friend's baby).


Technology, what a wonderful thing!!

B is staying with her Nana tonight but thanks for technology we were able to FaceTime her before she went to bed. It is so funny listening to her. She always thinks we are stuck in the phone, silly girl.

Holy cow! I have been busy today. I wrote 3 papers for school, made 2 tutus, finished a shirt and have one half way done. Really hoping the photo shoot goes smoothly tomorrow. I am getting really excited to post them on Etsy (another hip hip hooray for technology).

We have a busy weekend planned. Got the photo shoot tomorrow morning, writing more papers tomorrow for school, some play/snuggle time with B and Shane will be working then skating all day. Sunday we are hopefully sleeping in, then a family dinner for my birthday, more homework (finals week may very well kill me), and hopefully I can get some laundry done or Shane will be going to work naked.

Well everyone Have a Great Weekend. I will try to post a picture of the girls tomorrow in their outfits!


Long days!!!

Goodness. Days seem to be feeling longer and longer. Finally getting to the end of this semester and have so many things I need to accomplish.

So glad I am taking the summer off from school. I am thankful for the break. Hoping to spend lots of time at the park with B and going on walks!


My 2 year old!!!!

WOW....how can my baby girl already 2. It seems like yesterday that I was awaiting her arrival.

We had her birthday party on April 14th. It was a candy themed affair. She enjoyed having so many family and friends around her, she couldn't stay still. I never remember how many kids we know until her birthday. There were at least 10-12 kids running around. I don't have all the pictures back yet but I will post some once I get them. Here is one of my favorites.

For now here is some info on the little one:

Just over 23 lbs and 31" tall, she is going to be tiny like mommy :)
Wearing size 18-24 months but needs 24 month pants
Talking non-stop and repeating everything
      Favorite things to say, wow, oh man, I wov you, ello
Loves all cartoons but Sponge Bob and Mickey Mouse are her favorites
Eats way to much candy (what can I say those puppy dog eyes get me every time)
Wants to be outside all the time
Is a dancing machine (Usher is a favorite :))