
Week 16 Picture

How far along: 16 weeks

Total weight gain: About 6 or 7 lbs

Maternity clothes: Nope not yet

Food cravings: Anything. Man do I love food right now

Gender: Still feeling boy. Find out on NOV 17. YAY!!!

Labor signs: None yet

Belly button: In

Best moment of the week: Deciding the color theme for the nursery. Can't wait to get started on it.

What I am most looking forward to: Finding out the gender

Milestones: Making it to 16 weeks and feeling the first little movements!


Week 16

Watch what you say.......tiny bones forming in the baby's ears mean the little one can now pick up your voice. Eyebrows, lashes and hair are starting to fill in, and tastebuds are forming. And, if you're interested, an ultrasound might be able to determine gender.
*Provided by TheBump.com


Week 15 Picture

How far along: 15 weeks

Total weight gain: 6 lbs.

Maternity clothes: Not yet. Still doing the rubberband trick.

Food cravings: Amazingly enough carrots with ranch and celery with peanut butter. So tasty.

Gender: Still feeling boy. We find out NOV 17 and I am so excited.

Labor signs: None

Belly button: In

Best moment of the week: Hearing little one's heartbeat at our appointment. It was the most amazing sound ever.

What I am most looking forward to: Finding out the gender

Milestones: Making it to 15 weeks. Only 5 more weeks and we'll be halfway there :)


Week 15

Continuing the march to towards normal proportions, baby's legs now outmeasure the arms. And, finally, all four limbs have functional joints. Your fetus is squirming and wiggling like crazy down in the womb, though you probably still can't feel the movements.

*Provided by TheBump.com


Doctor Appointment

We had our appointment today. It was so great to hear the baby's heartbeat again. The second the wand was on my tummy we heard the heartbeat. It was somewhere in the 140s and very loud. The doctor said everything looks great.

We get to find out the sex on Nov. 17 and I can't wait. I am so excited about finding out. Anyways that is all for now!!


Week 14 Picture

How far along: 14 weeks

Total weight gain: Still going with 2.5 until my appointment on Friday.

Maternity clothes: Nope, not yet
Movement: Not yet

Food cravings: Anything and everything. I love food right now but I'm trying not to overdo it.

Gender: Still thinking boy

Labor signs: Nope

Belly button: In but Shane says it is getting shallow. I think he is imagining things. haha

Best moment of the week: Giving into my cravings :)
What I am most looking forward to: Our appointment on Friday

Weekly wisdom: I don't think I have any this week

Milestones: Making it to 14 weeks and posting belly pictures on Facebook


Week 14

Your adorable little fetus is busy with thumb sucking, toe wiggling, and (not so cute but equally amazing) making urine and breathing amniotic fluid as the liver, kidneys and spleen continue to develop. Lanugo (thin, downy hair) is growing all over the body for warmth.

*Provided by TheBump.com


Week 13 Picture

How far along: 13 weeks

Total weight gain: Still 2.5 lbs

Maternity clothes: Not yet

Movement: None yet but I can't wait until I can feel the little one

Food cravings: Nachos with picante sauce

Gender: Still feeling boy

Labor signs: Nope

Belly Button: In

Best moment of the week: Finding the fabric for the bedding (Picture below)

What I am most looking forward to: Finding out the gender

Weekly wisdom: Don't let anyone tell you that your cravings are disgusting, as long as they taste good to you is all that matters.

Milestones: Making it to 13 weeks and getting the crib and changing table

We decided to do blue whether it was a boy or girl and if it is a girl we will add a few pink accents. this will be the quilt top with a fleece backing. I love it!!!


Week 13

Your fetus is forming teeth and vocal cords....savor this, their non-functional phase. Baby is approaching normal proportions, with a head only one third the size of the body. Intestines are in the process of moving from the umbilical cord to baby's tummy. (Much more convenient.)

*Provided by TheBump.com