
The results are in.......

I kinda passed my 3 hour glucose test. One of my levels were elevated so they are making me see a diabetic educator. I am curious as to what I will have to do. Obviously watch my diet and exercise more. Oh how fun!!!!!

I really hope that I don't end up with gestational diabetes so I am willing to do anything they tell me to for Brenna. I love my baby girl more than anything already and will do anything for her!!!

Week 28 Picture

How far along: 28 weeks

Total weight gain: About 24 lbs

Maternity clothes: I love my stretchy pants!!! :)

Food cravings: Fruit Loops still

Gender: Girl!!!!

Labor signs: None yet

Belly button: Popped

Best moment of the week: Finally getting some good sleep at night!!

What I am most looking forward to: My next doctors appointment.

Milestones: I can't think of any at the moment!!!



I failed the 1 hour glucose test. :( Now I have to go back on Wednesday for the 3 hour test. I am dreading it. This is what will happen:

Midnight - start fasting
8:20 - blood draw
8:30 - drink nasty sugar drink
9:30 - blood draw
10:30 - blood draw
11:30 - blood draw

And they have to take at least 2 vials each blood draw. How stupid is this? I guess if it has to be done to protect Brenna and myself I will suck it up and do it (not that I have a choice) but it still sucks. I hate getting blood drawn. Oh well......wish us luck!!!!


3D/4D Ultrasound and Doctor Update

Sorry my posting has been delayed. I have been SUPER tired lately. We had our 3D/4D ultrasound this week and it was amazing. Brenna has gotten so big. I think she looks a lot like her mommy! What do you think?

I am so in love with her already. Seeing her in 3D makes me that much more anxious to meet her.

I had my Glucose test on Thursday and let me tell you that drink sucks. It was like syrupy Sprite. The nurse who took my blood had a hard time finding a vein and kept digging around. He finally had to try my other arm and I almost passed out. It was great. I am really hoping that I passed because I don't think I can handle the 3 hour test. I start going to the doctor bi-weekly now. I can't believe how quickly this pregnancy has went by.

Shane finally finished painting the nursery. I am IN LOVE with the color. It is beautiful. I will have to post some pictures but the room is pretty messy now.

Week 27 Picture (Sorry it's late)

How far along: 27 weeks

Total weight gain: About 24 lbs

Maternity clothes: Love them!!!

Food cravings: Fruit Loops. I could eat them everyday!!!

Gender: Girl!!

Labor signs: None yet

Belly button: Popping out slowly

Best moment of the week: Seeing Brenna on the 3D/4D ultrasound. It was amazing.

What I am most looking forward to: Finding out if I passed the glucose test. Keep your fingers crossed!!

Milestones: Making it to the 3rd trimester. It feels great


Week 26 Picture

How far along: 26 weeks

Total weight gain: Not sure (maybe around 22 or 23 lbs)

Maternity clothes: Everyday

Food cravings: Food in general

Labor signs: None

Belly button: Slowly popping out

Best moment of the week: Finishing the paint in the nursery

What I am most looking forward to: Our appointment next week and the 3D/4D ultrasound that we had to reschedule

Milestones: Not being able to see my feet when I look down