
Potty Training....will be the death of me!!

Holy cow.....Potty training is rough!!!!

We would really like for B to be out of diapers/pull ups by January but I don't know if that will happen. She loves to go potty when we are in public. She will tell us she has to go and actually go when we take her but at home is another story. I don't know why she won't do this at home. 

We let her pick out her big girl panties (Dora, Hello Kitty, and Princesses) and really talked them up. She loves them but doesn't care if she pees in them. We leave the bathroom light on and tell her if she needs to go she can just walk in there or ask mommy or daddy to take her. I ask her every 30ish min if she needs to go and she always says no, less than 5 min later she is telling me she peed in her panties. I offer treats/rewards when I can actually get her to go (me just taking her in there and setting her down) and that isn't even working. 

I am at a complete loss on how to do this. I know she will eventually want to be a big girl but it just baffles me that she isn't willing to go at home but will in public. Anyone have any tips or words of encouragement? I could really use them right about now!!!

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