
7 Months

- moved from sleeping on her side to her stomach (just like mommy)
- eating solids once a day
- loving bananas and pears
- waving but only when you want
- crawling non-stop
- going to her first cheer competition

Weight: 13 lbs 9 oz
Height: 26 inches

6 Months

- Sleeping on her left side no matter what
- first taste of baby food - green beans
- moving around much better with scooting
- sitting up all by herself for long periods of time

Weight - 13 lbs 1 oz
Height - 26 inches

I can't believe she is half a year old. Crazy how such a small little person can change your life in such a short amount of time.


5 Months

Such a wonderful month!!!

- sleeping all thru the night plus taking 3 naps a day
- tried mash potatoes and white gravy (she was in love)
- almost sitting all by yourself

Weight: 12 lbs 5 oz
Height: 25.5 inches

4 Months

- sleeping from 9:30 pm to about 5:00 am
- first taste of ice cream
- discovering feet and ears
- rolled over for the 1st time

Weight: 11 lbs 15 oz
Height: 24 3/4 inches

B attended her first cheerleading competition. She enjoyed everything about it. Her eyes lit up everytime the music started and who ever was competing had her complete attention.

This month was a quite boring month other than the competition and going to see Aunt Donna and the family. Everyone sure did enjoy her.

3 Months (5 months late :))

Man am I behind. Let me tell ya having a baby is one busy job. Plus actually having a full time job and trying to keep the house clean, phew I'm exhausted just thinking about it.

This month wasn't a very exciting month but there was a holiday and your first wedding:

- sleeping at least 8.5 hours (only waking up once a night to eat)

- started screaming, kissing (only occassionally), and doing this weird scooting thing when laying on our belly

Weight: 10 lbs and 12 oz

Height: 23 inches

We went to B's first wedding/road trip. We went to a very dear friend of mine's wedding in Bloomfield, MO. Sky was so excited to meet B and it was very nice to see her.

We also celebrated B's first 4th of July. She was such an amazing girl, slept thru all the fireworks. And here are a couple pictures of that weekend:

Happy 4th Of July!!!