Isn't she precious?!?!
Brenna Grace Dalton has arrived.....
I woke up on April 18th very early having some contractions. They were sporadic and not very painful so I went back to sleep. Around 6:20 I woke up and noticed the contractions were coming much quicker and were getting painful. I decided to time them and when I did they were 2-10 minutes apart. I timed them until about 9 or 9:30 and decided a call to the doctor was needed. She said to lay on my side and see if I could get them to be more consistent. She said not to come in unless they were 5 minutes apart or more painful. Around 10:00 they got more painful so off to the hospital we go (not before making the bed and cleaning a small amount). We started calling everyone on the way to let them know what was going on. On the way the contractions were coming every 3-4 minutes and getting more painful.
Once in the hospital they hooked me up to the monitors and my contractions were coming every 2-3 minutes and I really had to breath thru them. When the nurse checked me I was 100% effaced and 3 cm dialted. They decided to admit me and told me that we would be having a baby that day. I was able to relax during contractions however at about 4 cm I decided it was time for the epidural.
I was very nervous for the epidural but it wasn't near as bad as I expected. It was actually more like heaven once the medicine started flowing. Once the epidural was going I was able to relax and watch some tv while waiting to make progress. Family started showing up and kept me entertained all day. My nurse was absolutely amazing during the entire labor process. She explained everything to me and made sure I really understood what was going on and what was going to happen.
They broke my water shortly after I received the epidural and noticed that Brenna had already had her first bowel movement, which means that it is possible she could inhale some of it when she came out. I was very nervous about this because it could cause her to have pneumonia and that is very bad for a newborn.
At 5:30 they checked me and I was 9 cm (this is the point where everyone was kicked out). I was getting so excited about meeting my baby girl. I could hardly believe that after 9 months we were so close to meeting her. It was very surreal. At 5:55 they checked me again and I was 9.5 cm. Almost immediately after checking me I started getting very warm and felt like I wasn't getting enough oxygen. The nurse said that meant it was time to meet our baby.
Everything after this point is a little bit of a blur so you'll have to bear with me. As the nurses are getting everything ready for the delivery I felt like I was having a panic attack. I was in tears and couldn't breath so they put an oxygen mask on me. Once the doctor and pedi was there they started having me push. Pushing was difficuly because I couldn't feel my contractions so the nurses had to tell me when to push. I felt no pain during pushing and was so grateful. Once Brenna's head was out they had me stop pushing so they could suction as much of the meconium (first bowel movement stuff) out of her nose and mouth.
Brenna was being stubborn about coming out so they had to use the vacuum some to help. Once they started the vacuum Shane almost passed out (I would've too if I was him). He then had to sit down and relax because I didn't want him ending up on the floor. I wanted him to be able to see her when she came out.
At 6:12 pm Brenna was here and it was the most amazing thing I have ever experienced. Seeing her little body was so amazing. I was a little disappointed that they weren't able to lay her on my stomach after she was out but I knew that she needed to be taken care of. When I heard her cry for the first time I burst into tears I was so happy.
Once she was all cleaned up and Shane had recovered from almost passing out he got to hold her. Seeing him hold her was amazing. They had an instant connection that I will never forget. I wasn't able to hold her for quite a while as I had a fourth degree tear and it took a while to stitch me up. But once I held her everything I went through was worth it. My baby girl was here FINALLY.
There are a few details missing but I am not sure where exactly they fit in. But for the most part that is our birth story and we are sticking to it. I will post some pictures here shortly.
Brenna has been given an eviction notice!!
We have to be at the hospital at 5:45 am (I think that is way to early but anything for my little girl). We are hoping to have a little more progress before then so that the pitocin works a little better and that will help prevent me having a c-section. Anywho keep your fingers crossed that everything goes well!!
Week 40 Picture
How far along: 40 Weeks. Yeah I know crazy, huh?!?!
Total weight gain: 36 lbs
Maternity clothes: Running low on what I can actually wear. Everything is getting too small
Food cravings: Anything and everything. I love food!!!
Labor signs: 1.5 cm dialted, 40% effaced and -3 station.
Belly button: Poking out, so ready to see it look normal again
Best moment of the week: Finishing up some big things before Miss Brenna gets here
What I am most looking forward to: Being induced on Tuesday. So excited to meet our little girl
Milestones: Making it past my due date even though I don't know if I like that being a milestone. :(
Week 39 Picture
Doctor Appointment Update
I go back on Monday for another non-stress test and if Brenna is showing any signs of stress or I am dialted to a 3 they will induce me. If not I go back for another non-stress test towards the middle/end of the week. I will most likely be induced by the end of next week or next weekend.
I am nervous about Brenna being small but I am so excited to meet her. I can't wait for next week.