

Hey Everyone!! Checkout this giveaway at Princess Couture Designs!!!

She has some awesome bows and headbands!!


McDonald County Fair Baby Contest

B didn't place but she looked as cute as could be. This is the only picture I have for now. I will update with more as soon as I have them.


First Baby Contest

B is going to be in her first baby contest this weekend. I am very excited about it. I ordered her a very beautiful bow:

I got this bow and all her other bows from Princess Couture Designs. Ya'll should check her site out.

And she will be wearing this dress:

Which I ordered from Sew Original on Etsy.

She will be wearing little pink ballerina flats. I think she is going to be the cutest little baby there. Now I just have to make sure her dress stays pukeless until she goes in front of the judges. I will update some pictures on here sometime soon after the contest.

Fingers crossed she wins :)

Pictures :)

Baby Feet!!!

B and Daddy sleeping away

So relaxed :)

Trying to crawl (w/mommy's help of course)

Baby Sunglasses, too cute!! :)

2 Months

My baby girl is growing up WAY to fast. It feels like yesterday she was born. Anyway a few new things she has learned/is doing now are:

- Recognizing mommy and daddy

- Trying to crawl

- Loving tummy time

- Controling her head when she holds it up

- Started learning her voice

- Laughing and smiling constantly it seems like

Weight: 9lbs 15oz

Length: 22.5 inches

She sure did grow since her 1 month appointment. Brenna had her first set of shots this month and let me tell ya she did not enjoy it. She cried during and for about 5 minutes after then fell asleep in the car. However once we got home and she woke up she cried constantly unless I was rocking her. She wouldn't sleep unless she was laying on me or I was right next to her. Needless to say she slept in bed with us that night. She ended up with a fever the next day but eventually started feeling better. I felt so bad for her.


My Little Vegas Showgirl!!!

Some random pictures

Such a big flower!!

Watching TV like Daddy

Mommy's favorite outfit haha :)

Such a cutie!!


One Month.....a couple weeks late

Wow, already a month old!! Time is going by way to fast. Brenna is already doing so many things. A few of them are:

- trying to figure out her tounge
- starting to smile
- looking for mommy when she moves
- holding her head up for 10-20 min at a time

She is getting big too.....well not as big as she should but still bigger than she was.

Weight: 8 lbs 4 oz

Length: 21.5 inches

We had to start supplementing with formula because she wasn't gaining enough weight and that seems to be helping. I thought we would have a problem with her taking formula and still breasfeeding but she doesn't seem to be faced by any of it. She loves to eat whether it is breastmilk or formula.

I just can't get over how quickly time is going by. I cherish all the moments I get to spend with her everyday. She is the most amazing baby and I can't imagine life without her.


The most beautiful pictures!!!!

Isn't she precious?!?!

Our first family photo!!!

I was so excited to hold her.

Love at first sight!!!

Brenna Grace Dalton has arrived.....

On April 18, 2010 Brenna Grace arrived at 6:12 pm. We are over the moon about her being here. I didn't keep the best track of my progress during labor but I will try to get everything in but first a picture of our perfect little girl.

I woke up on April 18th very early having some contractions. They were sporadic and not very painful so I went back to sleep. Around 6:20 I woke up and noticed the contractions were coming much quicker and were getting painful. I decided to time them and when I did they were 2-10 minutes apart. I timed them until about 9 or 9:30 and decided a call to the doctor was needed. She said to lay on my side and see if I could get them to be more consistent. She said not to come in unless they were 5 minutes apart or more painful. Around 10:00 they got more painful so off to the hospital we go (not before making the bed and cleaning a small amount). We started calling everyone on the way to let them know what was going on. On the way the contractions were coming every 3-4 minutes and getting more painful.

Once in the hospital they hooked me up to the monitors and my contractions were coming every 2-3 minutes and I really had to breath thru them. When the nurse checked me I was 100% effaced and 3 cm dialted. They decided to admit me and told me that we would be having a baby that day. I was able to relax during contractions however at about 4 cm I decided it was time for the epidural.

I was very nervous for the epidural but it wasn't near as bad as I expected. It was actually more like heaven once the medicine started flowing. Once the epidural was going I was able to relax and watch some tv while waiting to make progress. Family started showing up and kept me entertained all day. My nurse was absolutely amazing during the entire labor process. She explained everything to me and made sure I really understood what was going on and what was going to happen.

They broke my water shortly after I received the epidural and noticed that Brenna had already had her first bowel movement, which means that it is possible she could inhale some of it when she came out. I was very nervous about this because it could cause her to have pneumonia and that is very bad for a newborn.

At 5:30 they checked me and I was 9 cm (this is the point where everyone was kicked out). I was getting so excited about meeting my baby girl. I could hardly believe that after 9 months we were so close to meeting her. It was very surreal. At 5:55 they checked me again and I was 9.5 cm. Almost immediately after checking me I started getting very warm and felt like I wasn't getting enough oxygen. The nurse said that meant it was time to meet our baby.

Everything after this point is a little bit of a blur so you'll have to bear with me. As the nurses are getting everything ready for the delivery I felt like I was having a panic attack. I was in tears and couldn't breath so they put an oxygen mask on me. Once the doctor and pedi was there they started having me push. Pushing was difficuly because I couldn't feel my contractions so the nurses had to tell me when to push. I felt no pain during pushing and was so grateful. Once Brenna's head was out they had me stop pushing so they could suction as much of the meconium (first bowel movement stuff) out of her nose and mouth.

Brenna was being stubborn about coming out so they had to use the vacuum some to help. Once they started the vacuum Shane almost passed out (I would've too if I was him). He then had to sit down and relax because I didn't want him ending up on the floor. I wanted him to be able to see her when she came out.

At 6:12 pm Brenna was here and it was the most amazing thing I have ever experienced. Seeing her little body was so amazing. I was a little disappointed that they weren't able to lay her on my stomach after she was out but I knew that she needed to be taken care of. When I heard her cry for the first time I burst into tears I was so happy.

Once she was all cleaned up and Shane had recovered from almost passing out he got to hold her. Seeing him hold her was amazing. They had an instant connection that I will never forget. I wasn't able to hold her for quite a while as I had a fourth degree tear and it took a while to stitch me up. But once I held her everything I went through was worth it. My baby girl was here FINALLY.

There are a few details missing but I am not sure where exactly they fit in. But for the most part that is our birth story and we are sticking to it. I will post some pictures here shortly.


Brenna has been given an eviction notice!!

We are going to induce on Tuesday, April 20th. I will be 41 weeks pregnant and we CAN'T WAIT TO MEET HER. The only bad thing is that 1) she will share her birthday with my cousin and 2) April 20th is national druggie day. But I am at the point to I just want to meet her and she can come anytime she would like.

We have to be at the hospital at 5:45 am (I think that is way to early but anything for my little girl). We are hoping to have a little more progress before then so that the pitocin works a little better and that will help prevent me having a c-section. Anywho keep your fingers crossed that everything goes well!!

Week 40 Picture

How far along: 40 Weeks. Yeah I know crazy, huh?!?!

Total weight gain: 36 lbs

Maternity clothes: Running low on what I can actually wear. Everything is getting too small

Food cravings: Anything and everything. I love food!!!

Labor signs: 1.5 cm dialted, 40% effaced and -3 station.

Belly button: Poking out, so ready to see it look normal again

Best moment of the week: Finishing up some big things before Miss Brenna gets here

What I am most looking forward to: Being induced on Tuesday. So excited to meet our little girl

Milestones: Making it past my due date even though I don't know if I like that being a milestone. :(


Week 39 Picture

How far along: 39 weeks

Total weight gain: 35 lbs

Maternity clothes: So tired of them. Can't wait for normal clothes

Food cravings: Taco Bell and Cheesecake

Gender: Girl

Labor signs: 1.5 cm dialted and 40% effaced. Have had a few contractions but nothing serious

Belly button: Poking out

Best moment of the week: Making some progress as far as labor goes

What I am most looking forward to: Meeting my baby girl in about a week or less

Milestones: Making this far in my pregnancy without too many issues


Doctor Appointment Update

I still haven't made any progress. :( BOOOO I did have to go in again today to have a growth ultrasound because Brenna has been measuring small. The ultrasound did in fact prove she is small (25th percentile). We ended up doing a non-stress test but the results of that were good.

I go back on Monday for another non-stress test and if Brenna is showing any signs of stress or I am dialted to a 3 they will induce me. If not I go back for another non-stress test towards the middle/end of the week. I will most likely be induced by the end of next week or next weekend.

I am nervous about Brenna being small but I am so excited to meet her. I can't wait for next week.


Week 38 Picture

How far along: 38 weeks

Total weight gain: 35 lbs ish

Maternity clothes: Loving my old cheer shorts

Food cravings: Anything and everything sounds good to me

Gender: Girl

Labor signs: As far as I know the same as last week. Hoping for some progress at tomorrow's appointment

Belly button: Poking out

Best moment of the week: Shane finished painting the nursery furniture and we are arranging her room now

What I am most looking forward to: My appointment tomorrow. Keep your fingers crossed for some progress

Milestones: Not baby related but we paid off 3 credit cards this week and only have 1 more left. YAY!!!!!


Week 37 Picture

How far along: 37 weeks

Total weight gain: 35 lbs

Maternity clothes: I am so ready for regular clothes

Food cravings: Ice cream and cookies

Gender: Girl

Labor signs: Still 1 cm dialted and 30% effaced. BOOO for no progress

Belly button: Can't wait to see it look normal again

Best moment of the week: Having the baby shower. We got so many wonderful things. Can't thank everyone enough!!

What I am most looking forward to: My doctor appointment on Wednesday. Crossing all my fingers and toes for some progress

Milestones: Surviving 37 weeks of pregnancy :)

Week 37

At week 37, your pregnancy is considered full term, meaning baby is likely thrive after birth. Baby spends these last weeks in preparation for the outside word... meaning careful refinement of the blink, suck, inhale and exhale. Meconium, which you'll probably find in the first diaper, is accumulating in the intestines. If, (okay, as) you worry about giving birth, consider what it's like for the little one. During the journey out of the womb, baby will produce more stress hormones than any other time during life.

*Provided by TheBump.com

Week 36 Picture

How far along: 36 weeks

Total weight gain: 31 lbs

Maternity clothes: Really enjoying sweats and yoga pants

Food cravings: Nothing really this week

Gender: Girl

Labor signs: Still 1 cm dialted and 30% effaced

Belly button: Poking out

Best moment of the week: Getting maternity pictures taken!!

What I am most looking forward to: The baby shower!!

Milestones: Making progress on the nursery. It is finally coming together.


Week 35 Picture

How far along: 35 weeks

Total weight gain: 33.5 lbs

Maternity clothes: Getting more and more uncomfortable

Food cravings: Taco Bell

Gender: Girl

Labor signs: I am 1 cm dilated and 30% effaced

Belly button: Pokin out all the time

Best moment of the week: Having my first internal and finding out that I am making progress! YAY!!!

What I am most looking forward to: Maternity pictures next week.

Milestones: Making it this far. I can't believe that Brenna could be here pretty much any time. I can't wait to meet her.

Week 34 Picture

How far along: 34 weeks

Total weight gain: 31 pounds

Maternity clothes: I am really enjoying sweats and pj pants. Can't wait to be in my regular clothes with buttons and zippers.

Food cravings: Nothing really

Gender: GIRL!!!
Labor signs: None yet

Belly Button: Still stickin out!

Best moment of the week: My first baby shower. We got so many cute things. Thanks again everyone!!

What I am most looking forward to: Starting my weekly appointments.

Milestones: Not being able to bend over as well. That is going to make painting my toenails very hard.


Holy head banging....

Brenna has decided that she is going to take up a hobby.......head banging. Now this wouldn't be so bad but every time she head bangs she hits my bladder. I seriously feel like I have to pee every 10 or 15 minutes. And let me tell you that it isn't so much fun.

I am beginning to think Shane and I should have invested in stock in the toilet paper companies. We buy more toilet paper than I thought ever possible. haha I will be sure to buy all cousins, sisters, etc. toilet paper when they announce a pregnancy so that they save a little money. haha

In other news my Aunt Donna and Uncle Ronnie bought us a beautiful dresser for Brenna's room. Shane is going to paint it and then I will post a picture. I am so very thankful for our generous families. We appreciate them all so much and really couldn't do this without their support and lovingness.


Week 33 Picture

How far along: 33 weeks
Total weight gain: 29 lbs approximately

Maternity clothes: Can't wait to be out of them

Food cravings: Any type of candy :)

Gender: Girl

Best moment of the week: Shane started painting the crib and is almost finished.

What I am most looking forward to: Seeing my dad's side of the family soon

Milestones: My tummy is now measuring 38 inches around. I never thought it could be that big

Month 8

Baby's senses are continuing to improve -- when light peeks in through your (extremely) stretched belly, those tiny eyelids and irises blink and dilate. And, baby can now recognize and react to simple songs.... time to start practicing your lullabies! Growth (at least inside your womb) is starting to slow, and you may notice baby descend into your pelvis at the end of this month.

*Provided by TheBump.com


Sorry for the delay in pictures

I have hit the 3rd trimester fatigue and let me tell you it is worse than 1st trimester fatigue. I feel like I could sleep 12 hours a night and still need a nap everyday. I will try to keep the pictures updated better from now on! :)

Week 32 Picture

How far along: 32 weeks

Total weight gain: 29 lbs (getting up there haha)

Maternity clothes: I prefer sweats and yoga pants but can't wait to fit into my regular clothes. Only about 8 more weeks

Food cravings: Chocolate covered strawberries!! YUMMY!!

Best moment of the week: Shane sanding the crib and changing table. He is going to start painting them soon too.

What I am most looking forward to: Our baby shower that is in about 4 weeks. Can't wait to see everyone and celebrate Brenna

Milestones: Starting to nest. I have made a to do list now if only I would actually get started on it. haha

Week 31 Picture

How far along: 31 weeks

Total weight gain: About 27 lbs

Maternity clothes: Are they best thing ever made. Gotta love stretchy pants

Food cravings: Chinese food

Gender: Girl

Belly button: Popped

Best moment of the week: Playing with Brenna. We like to poke each other back and forth. It is pretty fun

What I am most looking forward to: Next doctor appointment in two weeks

Milestones: Starting our bi-weekly appointments at the doctor


Week 30 Picture

How far along: 30 weeks

Total weight gain: Still about 24 - 25 lbs

Maternity clothes: I think I am going to need bigger t-shirts, they are all starting to get short

Food cravings: Anything with sugar, mostly soda since I have seriously decreased my intake (we're talking going from 1-2 sodas a day to maybe a sip a day)

Gender: Girl

Belly button: Popped

Best moment of the week: Finding out a few things were bought of our registry already!! YAY!!!

What I am most looking forward to: My doctor appointment on Friday

Milestones: Making it to 30 weeks. Only 10 more weeks to go!!

Week 29

How far along: 29 weeks

Total weight gain: Right around 24-25 lbs

Maternity clothes: I don't know how I will ever go back to normal pants :)

Food cravings: Anything I shouldn't have i.e. chocolate, ice cream, soda, basically anything with lots of sugar

Gender: Girl

Belly button: Popped! Shane loves it though haha

Best moment of the week: Finding out I don't have gestational diabetes but that I still should be cautious with the carbs

What I am most looking forward to: Finishing up the nursery

Milestones: Passing the glucose test, kinda!!

Month 7

Baby's energy is surging, thanks to the formation of white fat deposits beneath the skin. (Have those kicks and jabs to the ribs tipped you off yet?) Baby is also settling into sleep and waking cycles, though -- as you've also probably noticed -- they don't necessarily coincide with your own. Also this month, all five senses are finally functional, and the brain and nervous system are going through major developments.
*Provided by TheBump.com


The results are in.......

I kinda passed my 3 hour glucose test. One of my levels were elevated so they are making me see a diabetic educator. I am curious as to what I will have to do. Obviously watch my diet and exercise more. Oh how fun!!!!!

I really hope that I don't end up with gestational diabetes so I am willing to do anything they tell me to for Brenna. I love my baby girl more than anything already and will do anything for her!!!

Week 28 Picture

How far along: 28 weeks

Total weight gain: About 24 lbs

Maternity clothes: I love my stretchy pants!!! :)

Food cravings: Fruit Loops still

Gender: Girl!!!!

Labor signs: None yet

Belly button: Popped

Best moment of the week: Finally getting some good sleep at night!!

What I am most looking forward to: My next doctors appointment.

Milestones: I can't think of any at the moment!!!



I failed the 1 hour glucose test. :( Now I have to go back on Wednesday for the 3 hour test. I am dreading it. This is what will happen:

Midnight - start fasting
8:20 - blood draw
8:30 - drink nasty sugar drink
9:30 - blood draw
10:30 - blood draw
11:30 - blood draw

And they have to take at least 2 vials each blood draw. How stupid is this? I guess if it has to be done to protect Brenna and myself I will suck it up and do it (not that I have a choice) but it still sucks. I hate getting blood drawn. Oh well......wish us luck!!!!


3D/4D Ultrasound and Doctor Update

Sorry my posting has been delayed. I have been SUPER tired lately. We had our 3D/4D ultrasound this week and it was amazing. Brenna has gotten so big. I think she looks a lot like her mommy! What do you think?

I am so in love with her already. Seeing her in 3D makes me that much more anxious to meet her.

I had my Glucose test on Thursday and let me tell you that drink sucks. It was like syrupy Sprite. The nurse who took my blood had a hard time finding a vein and kept digging around. He finally had to try my other arm and I almost passed out. It was great. I am really hoping that I passed because I don't think I can handle the 3 hour test. I start going to the doctor bi-weekly now. I can't believe how quickly this pregnancy has went by.

Shane finally finished painting the nursery. I am IN LOVE with the color. It is beautiful. I will have to post some pictures but the room is pretty messy now.

Week 27 Picture (Sorry it's late)

How far along: 27 weeks

Total weight gain: About 24 lbs

Maternity clothes: Love them!!!

Food cravings: Fruit Loops. I could eat them everyday!!!

Gender: Girl!!

Labor signs: None yet

Belly button: Popping out slowly

Best moment of the week: Seeing Brenna on the 3D/4D ultrasound. It was amazing.

What I am most looking forward to: Finding out if I passed the glucose test. Keep your fingers crossed!!

Milestones: Making it to the 3rd trimester. It feels great


Week 26 Picture

How far along: 26 weeks

Total weight gain: Not sure (maybe around 22 or 23 lbs)

Maternity clothes: Everyday

Food cravings: Food in general

Labor signs: None

Belly button: Slowly popping out

Best moment of the week: Finishing the paint in the nursery

What I am most looking forward to: Our appointment next week and the 3D/4D ultrasound that we had to reschedule

Milestones: Not being able to see my feet when I look down